Jonathan working overtime in the lab |
Parasites are known to harm their
hosts as they derive benefit, but are they capable of influencing the density
and dynamics of their host populations? Deer
mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) are
known to increase in abundance 2-5 times after a fire, but explanations for
this increase remained unknown. WIU
graduate student, Jonathan Vaughn recently completed a study to investigate whether
parasite load may be a factor to explain increased abundance of deer mice in
post-burned forest. Jonathan conducted
an exhaustive survey for all ectoparasites (fleas, ticks and lice) and
endoparasites (i.e., nematodes and cestodes) of specimens collected from a
burned and unburned area of forest in western Montana. Although no significant difference was found
between the endoparasites from the two areas, the mean abundance of
ectoparasites was lower in burned forest than unburned forest, especially for
fleas, which exhibited a 70% reduction.
It’s possible that the improved healthy condition of deer mice from
burned forest results in increases in abundance relative to their more heavily
parasitized brethren from the unburned forest.
This study was conducted in
collaboration with Rafal Zwolak and Sylwia Dziemian of the Adam Mickiewicz
University (Poland) and Elizabeth Crone of Harvard Forest, Harvard University
and under the guidance and mentorship of Jonathan’s graduate advisor, Dr. Shawn
Meagher. Jonathan has recently
graduated and accepted a position as adjunct faculty at the WIU School of
A female flea, Aetheca wagneri
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